Jennifer Rasar


First and foremost I am the mom of four and aunt of nine amazing not so little kids! When I am not working, you can find me on the sidelines of the various sports my kids are involved in, reading a good book, or traveling. I have been in the wedding and event industry for twenty-plus years. I transitioned into my current role as Director of Catering six years ago. Growing up in a big Italian family, food has always been the heart of our family get-togethers. I enjoy incorporating that piece of my family into each and every wedding we have the privilege of being part of!


1. The best advice I ever received was to focus on what I could control.

2. My favorite movie is A League of Their Own. Every year, my kids watch it with me on my birthday.

3. Growing up, I went on several mission trips to Haiti. Haiti still holds a piece of my heart.


Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. – Viktor Frankl