4th Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive

BTTS Gives Back Season is upon us!

Every November and December, we work hard to give back to those in our community who need it the most. November is a time to be grateful and remember those who enrich our lives. This year, BTTS is thankful to all our employees, clients, and community partners who helped us reach our goal to give back more this season.

And guess what...we exceeded our goal!

Thanks to all of you, we provided more Thanksgiving meals to more families than ever - 110 families. Thank you to each and every one of you who contributed to this effort. That is 440-660 people this season, as one basket feeds a family of 4-6 people.

All the baskets have been assembled and distributed at our partner, Center of Hope. Our team spent the past two weeks handing out meals to the families who would have gone without but now have a full dinner to enjoy.

Our baskets include a turkey breast, two vegetable sides, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cornbread, fruit cocktail, cranberry sauce, cooking broth, cooking oil, pie crust and filling, foil pan, foil, and disposable plates and napkins, all placed in a laundry basket and hand-knitted washcloth that they can use throughout the year.

Thank you for your continued support to BTTS and our give-back partners!


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